10 Essential Tasks for Positive Habits: Easy but Tempting to Neglect

Breaking free from old habits or instilling new ones can be a real challenge. I firmly believe that fostering more positive habits is all about mindset. It's about grasping the hurdles ahead and proactively addressing the challenges that might hinder your habit shift. Truth be told, building positive habits is a fairly straightforward task. The real struggle lies in the temptation to avoid taking action—opting for the path of least resistance. I've curated a list of 10 actions aimed at nurturing positive habits. They're deceptively easy to tackle, yet strangely easy to overlook. Let's dive into these tasks and pave the way for positive change.

1. Setting Goals with a Defined Purpose.

Frequently, goals are established with vague intentions lacking a clear purpose. Consider employing the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. While this demands some thoughtful consideration, it's a straightforward process. Yet, often, certain thoughts hinder action, making it simpler to opt out. Take the leap and commit. It’s easy to execute, yet easier to neglect. 

2. Jotting Down Your Ideas.

Frequently, your mind is a bubbling pot of ideas, a constant stream of creativity that often goes unnoticed. The remarkable thing is, you are fantastic, and by extension, your ideas are likely just as remarkable. The challenge, however, lies in the fact that we often fail to recognize these flashes of inspiration or, even if we do, we struggle to retain the specifics. Fortunately, in this age of technology, we have powerful tools in the form of mobile devices, ready to capture our thoughts at a moment's notice. The simplicity of recording our ideas is within arm's reach, yet the ease with which we brush off the task, promising ourselves to jot it down later, often results in those brilliant ideas fading into the background, forgotten and unexplored. It’s easy to execute, yet easier to neglect.

3. Smiling.

The act of smiling has the power to uplift your mood and positively transform your spirit. Moreover, this positive energy extends to those around you, often resulting in a reciprocal exchange of smiles. Challenge yourself to smile at everyone you meet today. Observe how it influences your inner state. If the impact is not immediately apparent, consider that you've bestowed a much-needed smile upon someone else. It's a simple gesture, easy to execute, yet even easier to neglect.

4. Compliments.

Offering compliments has the remarkable ability to evoke positive feelings within individuals. Often serving as an instantaneous confidence booster, a well-timed compliment not only uplifts the recipient but also has the potential to influence them positively. The beauty of this gesture lies in its reciprocal nature – by complimenting others, you open the door to receiving uplifting words in return, thereby boosting your own spirits and confidence. It's a mutually beneficial exchange, a win/win scenario that, surprisingly, is quite easy to engage in. Despite its simplicity, many people refrain from doing so, perhaps because it's just more convenient not to.

5. Crafting a Personal Mission Statement.

Crafting a personal mission statement revolves around what truly matters to you. It involves delving into your core values, morals, and ethics. While it may demand introspection and thoughtful consideration, what's challenging about that? The crux lies in comprehending and acknowledging your priorities. Once you've internalized your personal mission, you've essentially charted a course for yourself. Surprisingly, this process is quite straightforward, yet many opt out simply because it seems easier to avoid.

6. Read 5-10 Pages a Day From a Self-Help Book.

Let's reconsider the concept of reading just 5-10 pages daily of self-help books. If you commit to reading a minimum of 5 pages each day, that amounts to 35 pages per week, totaling 140 pages within a month and reaching 1680 pages in a year. Considering an average book spans around 250 pages, that translates to about 6.5 self-help books per year. Imagine the impact on your professional, spiritual, or personal life after delving into 6.5 self-help books annually. Devoting a mere 15-20 minutes per day to read those 5 pages is remarkably simple. Yet, it's significantly easier to skip reading altogether and miss out on the inspiration they offer.

7. Celebrate Your Small Wins.

It's a common tendency to focus on celebrating grand achievements, overlooking the daily grind that leads to those significant victories. These consistent, mundane efforts happen quietly, behind closed doors—overcoming rejections, rigorous planning, fixing technological glitches, and more. Yet, it's crucial to acknowledge and celebrate these small victories along the way. Each milestone represents resilience in overcoming obstacles, contributing to the journey toward larger successes. Whether it's acknowledging your efforts, treating yourself, or simply acknowledging your accomplishments with pride, celebrating should be a natural step. Personally, celebrating comes easily to me. Yet, from a macro viewpoint, it's simpler to overlook these smaller victories. Take a moment to pause and celebrate a small triumph right now; it's worth it.

8. Empathic Listening.

In the era of social media, opinions overflow from everyone. Often, we rush to offer our advice or viewpoints without practicing empathic listening skills. There's a tendency to swiftly assert what's right or wrong, aiming to position ourselves as experts on any topic. However, sometimes people merely seek a space to express themselves without judgment or seeking advice. Practicing empathetic listening is crucial. Before chiming in, consider asking if the person desires your input. While it's simple to keep quiet, it's far easier to jump in, assuming we have all the answers. Engaging in uninterrupted listening fosters a more respectful environment, nurturing trust in interactions.

9. Vulnerability.

Vulnerability is commonly perceived as a sign of weakness, but my perspective differs. While context matters, it requires courage and inner strength to openly share one's weaknesses, emotions, or admit to mistakes. Embracing vulnerability becomes a catalyst for building trust, encouraging others to reciprocate with empathy. Although this process may feel challenging due to the fear of judgment and discomfort, I argue that vulnerability is, in fact, a demonstration of strength. It demands a person willing to be resilient and open. While the action itself is straightforward, the internal self-judgment and insecurities often make it easier to shy away from vulnerability.

10. Act Decisively. 

Our present thoughts shape the reality we'll experience tomorrow, a continuous stream that operates round the clock. Some thoughts operate on autopilot, fostering hesitation in confronting tough decisions due to anticipated outcomes. The past is beyond control, and the future is yet to unfold. What we can influence is the present moment. It's crucial to decide and act promptly, as delaying decisions prolongs action, leading to deferred results. Making a decision and taking immediate action sets the groundwork for the reality we'll encounter tomorrow. While decisions may not always be straightforward, the act of deciding itself is simple—it's a matter of saying yes or no. The challenge lies in grappling with the perceived consequences of our potential choices. However, the future remains beyond our control until we act in the present. Engaging in a perpetual cycle of indecision, pondering "should I or shouldn't I," is counterproductive. Act decisively now; if it turns out to be the wrong decision, adjust course at that moment. Each decision is an opportunity to learn, ultimately shaping the path to a more favorable reality. In the end, the easiest option is always to do nothing.

I constantly remind myself of the inherent simplicity of these tasks and consciously steer clear of the alluring temptation of not doing them. The act of taking action on each of these tasks is a crucial step in constructing the optimal version of oneself. In my book, "The What If Effect," I've diligently compiled around 362 tasks paired with motivational quotes, all designed to cultivate positive habits that are effortlessly achievable. Take a look and let me know your thoughts! I'm eager to hear from you—have you encountered any tasks that you believe should be included in the list? Please feel free to share your insights.


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